Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cranky Gavin & Mean Mommy Entry for August 26, 2005

TITLE: Entry for August 26, 2005 Cranky Gavin & Mean Mommy
DATE: 08/26/2005 06:25:42
STATUS: publish

Gavin woke up the crabbiest person in the world today. He didn't want to give his daddy a hug, so I took his hands & made him hug his daddy. It was kind of funny because he said he's never going to hug daddy ever again. When we left Gavin growled (or something) at Mark, so I translated that he loved his daddy & shut the door. He was kind of mad at me because he couldn't tell him he was mad.

On another note, I hear that Gwyn & her regular grandma play "house" or some game where she pretends to me me (mommy) and regular grandma pretends to be her. I guess "mommy" (Gwyn) yells at "Gwyn" (regular grandma) and tells her to stand in the corner & to be quiet all the time. I'm a little embarrassed, but at least she listens to me, right? It's kind of funny, too because when I open at work I get so groggy in the late afternoon I have to lay down & I know that if they keep fighting & arguing & it wakes me I'm a monster. So is Gwyn when she wakes up, I think she gets it from me, I hate waking her up, or dealing with her right after she wakes up.

Anyways I'm so proud of myself because yesterday when I took my inevitable nap, I said to myself over & over that I wouldn't wake up to be crabby if they bothered me. Because that's what I was there for, right? I did a good job & my alarm didn't go off, so I even slept in under an hour! Yay me!

Gwyneth always gets into arguments with Gavin, I think she starts most of them. Like for example yesterday she told Gavin he was 16 & he said he wasn't & she said he was, back & forth, back & forth. I listened to them for 5 minutes till I hear Gavin say "fine, lets ask mommy"

So she comes in the room, "mommy Gavin is 16 right?"

I say, "No, Gavin's 7."

Then she turns to Gavin & says, "see I told you, you were 17."

DATE: 08/26/2005 08:08:04
I think your daughter is so funny...Cute....but very funny...

Regarding your note on my blog about also being an AMC fan but not being able to watch it can go online to you can get scoops and even recaps of previous episodes...
DATE: 08/26/2005 09:03:31
Dont be embarrassed-she is cute. She makes Pappy stand in the corner everyday not me. She lectures me and tells me not to wake her up until her alarm goes off cause she is trying to sleep. Or she will brush my hair and tell me not to move or talk or she will just make more tangles and then she takes her hand and messes up my hair so she has to brush it again. Too funny. I told Mark I loved playing with her-she is so much fun!!
DATE: 08/26/2005 09:14:41
Oh My.. She is just too funny. That is so incredibly cute. She is 3 going on 16 right? Sounds like Little miss know it all. lol.
DATE: 08/26/2005 16:35:51
I've never seen Gavin be crabby or naughty.
DATE: 08/26/2005 20:08:45
Gwynnie likes to brush my hair too, especially when it's still wet after I've washed it. She yells at me to be still & not to move or mess it up, then when she's done she puts her fingers through it & says I'm beautiful.
AUTHOR: Tommyzgrrl96
DATE: 08/26/2005 21:05:01
I love my kids to play with my hair :)
DATE: 08/27/2005 15:25:47
My kid plays with my hair. Then he grabs a fistful of it and yanks it out of my head and then he laughs...mean Trentie

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