TITLE: Entry for August 26, 2006
DATE: 08/26/2006 19:47:39
STATUS: publish
*Ahhhhhh* a new blogger here. I know it's been several months. Like I've been telling everyone I LOVE myspace. It rocks, seriously. If you want my myspace link just message me- I'll be happy to give it out.
Well not much has happened over the past few months. Still working at the same place, going to school, and doing all the things I did before. Actually a lot has happened, but I don't have time to write it all down in one summary. Sorry!
I yi yi. I've been more sociable and lately have been more body conscious. I've been walking several mornings a week a couple miles. It's nice because I want to be in shape. Also I only have 18 more months of school left so that is great! Gavin's in 2nd grade & I think he may have some dyslexic problems like his mama. I hope not, but I see alot of similarities with some of the stuff I have struggled with. Gwynnie's a doll baby who is as independent as ever!!
Well that's about it for now I suppose. I'm tired so I may go to bed soon. I'm debating whether to start the dishes now or tomorrow.... Unfortunately we have quite a few. Maybe do some tonight & some tomorrow??
DATE: 08/26/2006 19:58:24
Good to see an update. I have myspace, but I don't use it. Just didn't care much for it. Not to mention Jason's dad found my name. Makes it kinda hard to post anything. At least anything good. I certainly wouldn't want my father-in-law to read some of the stuff I post. lol
Glad to hear the kids are doing good. Sure hope Gavin doesn't have dyslexia. Jade had it too. She struggled through about 5-6th grade but now she is doing great. Not sure about Gavin's school but they didn't test Jade for it until 4th grade. They may wait for Gavin as well.
Oh.. go to bed. The dishes aren't going anywhere.They will still be there when you get up... at least that is my motto :)
DATE: 08/27/2006 16:40:57
I did end up dong the dishes! At least some of them. It was so nice & quiet. I don't know about Gavin because it just seems like he's had some of the same problems I had. I have never actually been tested for it, but I met a friend that has it & I've noticed similarities... and my English prof in college commented on it & has given me information on how to do better.
I repeated 1st grade because I couldn't grasp reading. Something like that & I see Gavin's same struggles with the things I did. So it's just by using my deductive reasoning. I plan on talking to his teacher about it when we have our parent-teacher conferences this fall. I thought it would be good for Gavin to work with it for a while before bringing it up since she'll have a better idea.
Oh yeah & when I type I use the delete key as much as the rest of the letters. It's so annoying! (I'm worse if some one's looking over my shoulder.) At any rate I love to read & write both so I think I'm pretty good at it. I can type pretty fast, one of the tests I took in my computer class said 60 wpm. I think I average closer to 50ish.
AUTHOR: Andrea
DATE: 08/27/2006 19:22:09
That's a nice picture of you. I'm "addicted" to myspace too. Here's my myspace link if you want to add me to your friends list. http://www.myspace.com/amethyst1995 I love all the cool things that you can do with it. My problem is that I spend way too much time goofing around with it instead of doing what I should be doing.......HOUSEWORK!!!! LOL
Try not to work too hard!!!
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