Sunday, June 7, 2009

Entry for September 12, 2005

TITLE: Entry for September 12, 2005
DATE: 09/12/2005 19:40:38
STATUS: publish

mark w/his gun... or the outline of it, it's a really cool pic tho.

sorry not much blogging on my end. I'm lonely and busy. I think busier than lonely because I'm so busy I don't have time to be lonely.

I started school as everyone knows & I'm working real hard at studying. It's hard! But I'm doing pretty good. I think I'm only down like 4 points for a perfect grade. Luckily I got a couple bonus questions right on those quizzes.

I'm having trouble managing my time with doing school, work, house, & kids all by myself. I guess I didn't think of the impact it would have on me if Mark went away. OH well I'm a trooper! If only I could get an hour of peace to study sometime in the evening... or on my break at work that would be great & really beneficial.

I almost made Gavin cry, I felt so bad about it. I told them I was setting a timer for 20 minutes for me to study & they could go in the other room & eat or drink whatever they wanted, play games, put in a movie, I didn't care, but I wanted 20 minutes.... So of course after being interrupted 6 times by both of them already he came in once again to tell me how cute his crabs were (I cleaned out the cage for them tonight & the kids brought sticks in for the crabs to play on...) Well I kinda snapped & I felt so badly!!

I told him I was sorry and tried to explain how important study time was for me. Then I told him to get his homework & study with Gwyn. He's got a lot of reading stuff to do, so it's good practice for him to read to her, plus she absolutely loves it & I got about 15 minutes in that way.

Wow i guess I had a lot more blogging to do than I thought.

DATE: 09/13/2005 13:50:04
Neat Pic.. I love how the light behind him makes it look like a shadowed effect.

Do you have anyone there that can keep the kids for you every once in a while so you can get a little studying in? Mom, friend, or even a high school student?Talk to the child development class instructors at your school. Sometimes their students will get class credits for babysitting, so it would help you both out!! And it would only be a few hours a week and it will help keep you sane, too :)

I am sure things will calm down once everyone gets used to the new routine. BTW, Great job on the grades!!
DATE: 09/13/2005 14:33:14
Poor kids .... wish I could help ... have lots of free time in the afternoons ... another year he could play flag football ... yep pretty soon he'll be getting involved in things at school and it wont' be so bad. Do they have any after school things he could get involved in? Of course then there is Gwnn. Tough position ... but you'll make it through!
DATE: 09/13/2005 19:25:19
DATE: 09/14/2005 15:28:56
The best time for you to study is when the kids go to bed....

I sent Mark a picture of a sexy lady via phone
DATE: 09/14/2005 15:43:25
that would be a good idea except when I have to get up at 3:30 in the morning I hafta get to bed about the same time as them.
DATE: 09/14/2005 15:54:18
Have you tried to put on Shrek 2 or Charlotte's Web(aka Pig Movie)? That usually gives us about 90 minutes of free time to do ummm whatever ummm like blog n stuff. I talked to Mark the other day...we've been exchanging photos and texts....
DATE: 09/14/2005 21:21:45
Poor Gavin, he is so proud of his crabs, and is doing such a good job raising them. If you get interuppted, you get interuppted, big deal, that's what kids are for. If you want 20 minutes to yourself wait until they grow up and move out. Then you would be wishing you had spent that 20 minutes with them. Remember, your kids ALWAYS come first.
DATE: 09/15/2005 05:10:45
Maybe you can put the kids to bed 20 min. early and study. There was a tv show where the parents wanted alone time so they kept changing the clocks earlier and earlier. Finally it was so early the kids were wondering why they were going to bed while it was light.

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