Wednesday, June 10, 2009

still pissed... grrrrr Tuesday, April 28, 2009

still pissed... grrrrr
Current mood: bitchy
Category: Life
Okay so I'm going back into my old habit, this was always my favorite place to vent anyway. I removed the ex and his gf from myspace so I am now free to say and do WHATEVER the hell I want on my myspace. Without repercussions- unless of course there is a rat infiltrated on my myspace…

Anyway- for those of you that don't know wrestling is coming into town and that is Gavin's favorite thing in the entire world. So Mark's brother asks if he and Mark can take the kids because it's on Mother's Day (and according to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines I get the kids on my own holiday- in fact I’m supposed to get them for the whole weekend ) and he says -and by the ways I already bought the tickets (if you bought the tickets then WHY are you asking??).

So that kind of made me mad because I didn’t even get a fat chance to have my say. But that is typical G style. Here was my dilemma as far as that went. Gavin knows they’re in town and he also knows that he *could* go (I’ll just get it in the open that if I were to say “no” that it would “accidentally” slip out; I trust them about as far as I could throw them). SO I debated for days what to do because I really wanted to do something special- maybe even take them myself, I don’t mind wrestling!

Mothers Day is MY day. Gavin is old enough to know what the holiday is about and I’m trying to teach him (and Gwyneth) responsibility and to appreciate things, ect. Going out with your DAD and doing DAD stuff kind of takes away the MOM aspect of MOTHERS DAY.

IMO, that’s kind of selfish of him to even ask! But I’m forced into saying “yes” because I know the drama that’ll follow if I don’t conform. He’ll use the kids against me and they’ll just be mad at me on Mother’s Day because of the woulda coulda syndrome…

…. And FYI I always had the kids make cards for their dad on Father’s Day. Because I want them to appreciate what certain days are about and that you can do special things for people you love (that and I understand how important it is to have a relationship with your father).

Now- to why I’m newly mad.

So recently Mark starts in on me- just an attitude. I'm trying to do this communication thing in regards to the kids that divorced parents should do once in a while to get messages across. Well he takes it all the wrong way. So we get into a little fight. He tells me I’m not a perfect parent (and thankfully reminds himself he isn’t either) and I should get over myself and except it… EXCUSE ME???.

So I kindly remind him about that upcoming weekend and how if he wants to fight we can fight. I remind him that by law I get to have the kids on that weekend and if he wants to treat me badly then I can exercise that right.

So he tells me to think about the kids.

Then he says I can be the one to tell them WHY they can’t go.

Then he says I am being self centered and I need to stop thinking about what I want for once and to think about them for a change. (This is a good place for one of those wtf’s)

I told him to take his own advice and every decision I make is for them so they can grow into well adjusted RESPONSIBLE happy adults. I love my children more than anything if he doesn’t know that he’s on something.

So I guess maybe I was being a bitch to him, but he deserves it. I’m still mad about the wrestling thing and I would love to say he can’t take them, but I can’t be the bad guy (to the kids). I know that is all Gavin thinks about and wants to do and I know because of the hype Gwyn wants to go.

I wonder if there are any tickets left??


Wow. Oddly enough I feel your emotions on this subject...Why do they try to bring it back on us when they know that they are the ones that have over stepped? We may never know...Good luck with that...I myself may go get tickets and tell him its my weekend and I want to spend it with my family...but thats not nice...I know but sometimes you just wanna do that sorta thing... I get it...
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 7:05 PM

Well....I think that you should buy tickets and tell the kids you are taking them. Why let him ruin your weekend? So you get to kill two birds with one stone. He didn't ask first so it is not your fault that he wasted money on extra tickets. Take them yourself. Don't give into that "I will be the bad guy thing" Your kids are getting old enough to explain to them that their dad should have asked and you would love to let them go but you already have something planned. Sounds like their dad needs to step up and be more of an adult and there are always ways to stop him and make him think. Even if it does take some longer than others, he will eventually get it. :) Oh, one more thing. He is a piece of crap for even hinting that you do not put your kids first, he wouldn't know the first thing about that.
Posted by Dusty on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 7:26 PM

Honey first of all, if anyone knows anything about you, your kids and the sperm donor, they know YOU are not the selfish one. That stupid bastard pisses me off. You are an extremely giving and loving person, fuck that stupid bastard. He's a lucky son of a bitch to've ever had the chance to get a second glance from you, let alone make babies with you.Whatever you decide to do, whoever gets pissed in the process, just keep in mind people don't stay mad forever. Unless they're stupid selfish bastards, which I know you and your children are not. It'll all work itself out. Don't get too stressed about it. Life is too short. I know you'll do the right thing.Personally though, I'd get my own tickets and bring the kids. Fuck that stupid piece of shit.Ok, I'm done now.:)
Posted by Julie on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 9:35 PM

Men! and dido to what Julie said. That's all I have to
Posted by Missy on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 9:34 PM

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