TITLE: Entry for December 02, 2005 Get Your Own Box
DATE: 12/02/2005 21:22:30
STATUS: publish
I was eating some cheeze-it's because I forgot to eat lunch (and breakfast) I burnt my tongue yesterday so it's really sore. (much better than lukewarm tomato soup burning in between my fingers. I know no one cares, but it hurts. I was chewing gum and blowing bubbles at work and it was killing me. But I like blowing bubbles, and popping them, but I didn't because I didn't want anyone to get mad at me. I like my new job there and don't miss McDonalds very much. My team leader put in a recommendation for me to get his job!! (he's hoping to change shifts) Of course I'm too new there, but thought that was pretty neat.
I asked Mark to clean out the litter box or the cats would revolt on us. Namely, Milli Jean. I don't know if he did or not, but it was pretty bad today... (I try to clean it out ever other day, but haven't felt up to it lately) Anyways I picked up some trash bags and got all wet... Little did I realize it was cat urine! Yuck!!!
The pic above is from one of our many few visits to the Fort Wayne Children's zoo. A hippo is trying to eat my head. Not sure how old it is... a year? Well I'd better get to bed if I'm going to be catching some overtime tomorrow.
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