Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I got shot Thursday, October 30, 2008

I got shot
Current mood:In Pain
Or rather I should have said I got A shot. In the hip. Which is really close to my butt. So I can say my butt hurts.

Okay- this is a complaining blog so if you don't want to read my whining then just stop reading here.

So I've missed 2 more days of work (among other events that were important to me) in the past month or so and have come to the conclusion my migraine pills are jack.

Yesteday morning I took 1 of Kirby's 100 mg Imitrex (because I'm out of my expensive for nothing 40 mg Relpax) and it knocked me out for about 5 hours or so. I woke up because it felt like there were a thouasnd little men mining behind my eyebrow trying to get out of my body. I swear I could feel the bone chipping away. I half expected to have some cranium bone fall through my sinus cavaties and have to feel it in the back of my mouth. I never did. The pain radiates toward my temple and ear and spreads out like roots of a tree. So I took another 100 mg Imitrex.

Besides making me feel like I got hit by a train, it didn't do anything for me at all.

While I'm on a tangent here does anyone know what the side effects are for these drugs?? First they make my body really uncomfortably hot. Then they make the pounding in my head considerably worse for at least 1/2 an hour or more. The pounding is stronger and wider. Then I can feel it lessen (only if I'm lucky it'll go away). It makes breathing hard, like there is pressure on my lungs. My skin gets so sensative warm water BURNS. My muscles get really tired and almost sore, it's an effort to bother moving. And of course it makes me feel drugged so I'm totally spaced out and I can't focus. I feel just as useless on this medication as I am with the migraine. Oh- and I think it makes my hair fall out.

Why do I take it? Well because frankly I'd rather feel any other kind of pain besides the pain these migraines cause me. I can't even describe the pain of these headaches. And when that constant pain goes on for days and days. I only sleep because my body is so exhausted it can't keep up. Then I get the privelege of being awoken by the constant throb in my head. It is relentless.

I don't know how much more of this I can take. If anyone knows anyone and has any suggestions on what to do or how to cope- PLEASE let me know. I have tried many things and I won't put it past to try other things. I am preparing to start a new medication- and that medication is very expensive (which means it'll work because I can't afford it). Side effects on this one are scary, too. It's a prevenative.

How much more before I give up. My quality of life isn't much with these. My head determines what I do and if I do how much am I going to enjoy it? I DO have other problems besides headaches. I almost think it would be fun to focus on some other health issue for a while.

Since you read through this horrible blog I'll end with something relatively funny. Remember my expirament with toothpaste? Well I told the Dr. that I found that toothpaste helps provide some relief. She thought I was eating it. Gross.


Sorry you are still going through these. Hopefully they find something to help you and soon. The only thing that worked for my migraines was Topamax. It is a preventitive as well. I went from 4-6 migraines a month to one (sometimes none) The side effects are terrible though.. so you literally have to choice the lesser of the 2 evils. I chose the migraines and quit the meds about 6 months after I started them. Good Luck !
Posted by Jen on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 12:39 AM

I wonder if anything natural would work...it helped me with my problems. There is this guy in fort wayne that reads your eyes... I know sounds weird but it works. He then tells you the type of vitamins or herbs that will help you naturally without those scarey side effects. Its a thought, maybe it would help. OR, what helped me is changing to an all natural diet. There is this really great store in fort wayne with ALL natural products even meats. It comes without all those chemicals which throws our bodies out of wack which in return our bodies tell us there is a problem with what we are eating by these nasty health problems that control us. Let me know if you are interested with the natural route...anything natural wont hurt...:), and it is healthy.
Posted by Missy on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 5:04 PM

Ladywoman, I want those stupid headaches to go away too. ugh. I've got a couple ideas that have a slight chance of helping but I'm sure you've already tried them anyhow.Dang those headaches, dang those headaches to heck. :(
Posted by Julie on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 5:23 PM

First of all, I should tell you that Imitrex is a controlled substance, easily habit forming and should not be taken unless your the one who was prescribed.Second if you take alot of over the counter meds like excedrin, etc. You actually start to develop more headaches and that usually leads to taking more pills- which is what you don't want- told to me & my mother by a Fort Wayne Neurologist. My mother has suffered from migraines and headaches since she was 11 years old, we are now looking at enrolling her in a headache clinic in chicago (its one of the best places to go for headaches) because she has gotten to where she takes 12-20 pills of excedrin a day on top of all her other meds (she has a lot of health issues now). She can easily down a pack of Imitrex in a week (not recommended). Sooooo..... my point here is, be careful how you treat yourself in regards to making the pain go away. Because mom has over medicated herself for so long, she has a long list of health problems including Early Onset Dementia, Chronic Diahrrea (she's had that for more than two years), kidney problems, stomach problems, and a host of other things none of us ever thought could result from headache problems.Sometimes the best medicine for any ailment is lots of sleep, good eating habits, and a bit of exercise.
Posted by April on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 9:14 AM

Thanks for the comments. I just wanted to let you know that I rarely take OTC medications. Mostly because of the rebound headaches and I worry about the interactions with other medications I'm on. Maybe once in a very blue moon (such as the other day). I only take prescribed medications. The imitrex was prescribed to me at one time but because of the cost (they are $25 a pill avg) I use Kirby's. He has the same prescription. My dr. knows. I am very open with them about everything I do for my head. I never take more than 2 pills in 24 hours, nor have I taken more than 3 during an episode.Also, I have been very diligent in taking care of my body. I exercise on a semi-regular basis, I try to eat good (though I will admit I do have a sweet tooth), but I don't overindulge. I have mantained she same weight, and all that good stuff my doctor tells me to.They also gave me vicodin for when I absolutely can't take it. Istill have a pill left from the first 10 he gave me in Feb!
Posted by Kiara on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 10:42 PM

first before any more meds, call a chiropractor, could be a pinched nerve in your back, it has happened to me, try cracking your neck, and back between your shoulderblades, if it doesnt work... the only migrane killer for me is vicodine, or perkacet, yeah...habbet forming pills, but they work, and not everyone gets addicted!even a tylenol 3 might work, but call the chiropractor first, if you need names of a few good ones that are cheap, let me know, good luck!!
Posted Elizabeth on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 11:39 AM

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