Sunday, June 7, 2009

It’s All In My Head Monday, September 22, 2008

It’s All In My Head
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Life
I was sitting here feeling pretty sorry for myself because I have yet another migraine/headache that has lasted for more than 3 days. I should be greatful that it was just a month ago since my last 5 day headache... Never mind that-that was when I was on vacation.

I found my meds work better on an empty stomach, so at least that much in the past 2 months I have learned.

Anyway I'm getting ready to go to work and it's so quiet here- I could really get used to staying home and working. If I had something to do at home to work on... which I do. Just not so muct getting paid work.

I'm really tempted to just call in because I don't want a phone in my ear all day for the next 9 hours... But I won't. Sometimes I think I'm too reliable. I felt awful going home early Friday (even though I was hardly in any condition to work, much less drive home). I always feel guilty because someone has to pick up my slack.

So when my head is throbbing sometimes I stop and just concentrate on the pain and really feel it. It's a wierd feeling I can't even describe it. I wonder if I can concentrate on the pain if I can make it stop?

They say it's all mind over matter and all that right? Well if that is the case then I should just will my head to lessen the throbs and stabs of pain. I should feel it seeping to the outer layers of my skin and just float away like the dust in the sun. The sounds that send shoots through my eyes would be like the hum of light in the kitchen. Brightness would warm me instead of make me cringe.

My kids would be able to make loud noises in the house and the clanging of dishes wouldn't give me a second thought.

All weekend I tell myself only 9 more months. I can see a specialist in 9 months. Next month it'll be 8 months. Curse pre-existing conditions. In the mean time spending $60 (because it takes about 3 migraine pills to make it tolerable) per headache will have to suffice.


Ugh, I hope the migraines stop! I hate getting them and hate it even more when they last more then just 1 day..I cant imagine 5 days!
Posted by Crystal on Monday, September 22, 2008 - 12:14 PM

Dang lady, that sucks monkey balls. I'm willing the headache away with you.
Posted by Julie on Monday, September 22, 2008 - 4:11 PM

Now that would be nice. When you do figure out how to will them away, be sure to share. I had a 3 day migraine myself last week. I have been dealing with them for 17 years and I am really fed up. Good Luck with holding them off the next 9 months!
Posted by Jen on Monday, September 22, 2008 - 9:10 PM

Wow, I get pretty bad ones too. I have even gotten to the point that I throw up. But, mine are usually caffine induced...lack of that is. Good luck with the "willing it away" thing. I will pray for you :)
Posted by Satarah on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 7:39 AM

Well so far the willing it away thing it's working out so great. I guess I need to get some stronger will. Or does anyone know a strong Will??
Posted by Kiara on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 6:18 PM

depending on your ins. policy.... cuz i too have ran into this problem.... if you have had prior ins. like not more than 3 month gap is what is was for me then you may not fall into the preexisting condition catagory... sry bout the migraines.
Posted by Mystica on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 1:45 PM

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